Professional Learning

Engaging with educators for the purpose of professional learning is fundamental to my research work.  I have been privileged to work with schools, most specifically in the Early Career Teacher and mentoring space, to provide professional learning sessions, both online and face-to face. 


Professional Learning in remote schools

Working with schools in remote locations to develop sustainable on-site mentoring programs.

In 2023, I am excited to be working with schools across the state and independent sectors in Australia to grow teacher professional learning and mentoring programs.

For information about available professional learning available in 2023, please contact me

ECR retreat

Another thoroughly enjoyable session with early carer teachers talking about ways to build and nurture their professional learner identities.

Thanks, once again, Groves Christian College for the invitation to participate in this amazing event.


A wonderful opportunity to share key research findings about developing the intellectual virtues of preservice teachers in higher education initial teacher education programs at the 2023 HERDSA Conference in Brisbane.  Excited to present with amazing colleagues from the University of Southern Queensland, Dr melissa Fanshawe and Mark Oliver.

Professional Learning with Queensland State School Teachers: Future-Focused Mentoring

Such a delight to work with committed and dedicated educators from Ipswich and Brisbane State schools to develop the mentoring skills and understandings of both mentors and early career teachers across three full-day workshops.


Another avenue by which I disseminate my work is through Conferences.

ATEA Conference

Reimagining teacher mentoring: Responding to evolving educational demands

AARE Conference

The Entrepreneurial Mentoring Model (Future-focused mentoring): Re-imagining teacher mentoring for the future

Early career researchers’ collective advocacy work within an Australian university context.

Presenting at Early Career Teacher Retreat, Groves Christian College 2022

“Thank you, Ellen. You were amazing. The buzz, excitement, knowledge and hope that you have equipped and empowered our Early Career Teachers (ECTs) with, is still evident. The conversations are still continuing in the staffroom. Most importantly, the ECTs have a renewed sense of passion and confidence.”